We will post here when Healing School begins again!

What is Miracle City Healing School?
Biblical training on healing, heath, and long life. This monthly training is designed to bring folks to the reality of this … “By Jesus’ stripes you are ALREADY healed” (1 Peter 2:24)! This training will not only benefit those desiring to pray for the sick, but it will stir up and strengthen the faith of those in need of healing. And, we believe they will leave with whatever healing or miracle they need, because we KNOW we can completely trust the Lord to keep His Word!
What is our desire for the sick who attend Miracle City Healing School?
Simply this … to see them healthy and whole … walking in the fullness of the victory that Jesus paid for on the cross! No more suffering, no more struggling … just a life of abundance that brings God glory!
What is our desire for ministers and others who attend Miracle City Healing School?
To raise up folks who will be used by God to spread the fires of revival! To see ministers who live in the reality of this Word in 1 Corinthians 4:20: “The Kingdom of God is not just talking; it is living by God’s power!” And, may that power bring many souls into the Kingdom of God through Holy Spirit filled evangelism - with miracles, creative miracles, signs and wonders. To God be all the glory!
What should folks in need of healing bring to Healing School?
Bring your Bible. Bring a tablet and pen to take notes. Bring an expectancy that GOD’s Word cannot and will not fail! Bring an expectancy that you will leave here different than you came … that you will leave here healed! Your healing has already been provided by our Lord Jesus – He paid the price. You just have to receive what already belongs to you. God’s promises are for everyone, and they are for NOW!
What takes place at Miracle City Healing School?
We are determined to be led by the Holy Spirit in our meetings, so any one, or a combination of the following may take place …
Messages taught on healing, health, long life, no fear, etc.
Biblical and hands-on training on how to pray for the sick
Healing/miracle services
Downloads of God’s healing Word (hearing it, declaring it)
And, any other direction the Spirit of God leads
Who can attend Miracle City Healing School?
Anyone desiring to learn about healing. Anyone desiring to pray for the sick. Also, anyone in need of healing or a miracle.
When and where is Miracle City Healing School?
We will post here when Healing School begins again. Training is in the sanctuary at Miracle City. Our address is 4380 Grand Blanc Rd, Swartz Creek, MI 48473.
Other information concerning Miracle City Healing School
There is no dress code. There is no child care. You do not need to register. Just show up happy and expecting to receive the Word of God, and the results of His promises!