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Welcome to Project Protection

What is Project Protection?

This is a project we started at Miracle City to not only bring an awareness of the need for prayer for our Military, Police Officers, Firemen, and Paramedics, but to also form a PRAYER TEAM who is committed to doing our part in keeping our men and women who serve to keep us safe ... in continual prayer.


Our goal is to gather enough prayer warriors to have our men and women in uniform, covered in prayer 24/7.


We want to fill every minute of every day with prayers of protection, health, strength and complete victory for these folks.

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What are the steps for joining Project Protection Prayer Team?

To join this powerful team of prayer warriors, we ask that you first make the commitment to pray daily for our men and women in uniform!

Then, you're welcome to fill out our "sign-up" form by selecting HERE.

Prayer Team ... view or print the committed prayer!

Select HERE to view and print the prayer.

Please always be led by the Lord as you use this prayer as a reference in praying!

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Build your faith in God's protection!

Be sure to get your faith-building scriptures and declarations! What a difference it will make when your ​faith is strong ... and your trust in God's protection is unmovable, unshakable, and unstoppable!

Select HERE for a PDF of the personalized declarations (no scriptures).

Select HERE for a PDF of the personalized declarations (with scriptures).

What does God say about our men and women in uniform?

Romans 13:1-5 NLT ... Everyone must submit to governing authorities. For all authority comes from God, and those in positions of authority have been placed there by God. So anyone who rebels against authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and they will be punished. For the authorities do not strike fear in people who are doing right, but in those who are doing wrong. Would you like to live without fear of the authorities? Do what is right, and they will honor you.

The authorities are God's servants, sent for your good. But if you are doing wrong, of course you should be afraid, for they have the power to punish you. They are God's servants, sent for the very purpose of punishing those who do what is wrong. So you must submit to them, not only to avoid punishment, but also to keep a clear conscience.

Men and women in uniform, get your FAITH KIT!

We also have a FAITH KIT we'd like to get in the hands of each man and woman in uniform. 

Currently, ​we're only able to distribute these kits for free in the Genesee County, Michigan area.

We would be happy to mail kits to folks who are not local, for a donation of $4 to cover shipping. 

The kit can be requested HERE. If multiple kits (more than 10) are requested for delivery, please call us to work out details (810-655-2276), or email us at


Each kit includes ...


  • One PRAYER CARD ... that tells folks what we are praying for them on one side, and then a protection declaration for them on the other side. There's also some contact information on the card.

  • One WALLET CARD ... with the Psalms 91 declaration and a phone number for prayer.

  • One FAITH BAND ... a wristband that says ... PSALMS 91 - I AM PROTECTED BY GOD! View the bands and a scriptural explanation HERE.

  • The faith band serves two purposes. One, it's a faith builder, and a reminder to the one wearing it, that they are protected by God. And two, these bands have been prayed over and act as prayer cloths in accordance to Acts 19:11 in the Bible. We have witnessed and been informed of many miracles as a result of the presence of God on these bands.

  • This kit also contains a few other items: salvation card, information card, and a prayer cloth explanation page.

Psalm 91 - Declare Protection

Because I dwell in the secret place of the Most High, I abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I say, “He is my refuge, my fortress, my God.” I trust Him. He saves me, He covers me, and under His wings I find refuge. I have no fear.


A thousand may fall at my side, ten thousand at my right hand, but it will not come near me. I’ve made the Lord Who is my refuge, the Most High, my dwelling place; therefore, evil, plague, disaster, and violence cannot come near me or my home.


God has given His angels charge over me to accompany, defend, and protect me. God is with me in trouble. He delivers and honors me. With long life He satisfies me and shows me His salvation. 

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Military, Officers, Firemen, Paramedics

Prayer Requests ...

Please post for yourself or any fellow worker using one of the following methods:


FACEBOOK PAGE ... This is public.


PRAYER FORM ... This is private.

Men and women in uniform, keep your faith strong!

Keep your faith strong ...


Download your personalized scripture declarations HERE.


For a full list that includes the scriptures, please view HERE.

Prayer Team

Sign up to join our prayer team HERE.

Download your prayer page HERE.


Post any prayer requests you may have for our military, officers, firemen or paramedics HERE.

If you'd like to donate to this project ...

Please select HERE. Be sure to select Project Protection under the Giving ​Fund.


All donations to this project will go towards purchasing faith bands, ​prayer cards, and any items that go in the Faith Kits or any supplies for the Prayer Team.


Thank you in advance for helping us reach out to our military, police officers, firemen, and paramedics, with this life-changing project!


God bless you richly!

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4380 Grand Blanc Rd

Swartz Creek, MI 48473


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